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Activists in Phoenix who for years have denounced police violence said they saw the investigation as a positive step, whilst they warned against solutions that always arise from such inquiries, like extra money for training. “We had a sigh of relief in some ways because the violence we've been exposing for years has finally been seen at a national level,” said Viri Hernandez, the chief director of Poder in Action, a nonprofit that works with people that have lost loved ones to police violence.

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Sign Up for On Politics With Lisa Lerer A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you actually got to know. catch on sent to your inbox. After the murder of Mr. Floyd while in police custody last year in Minneapolis, activists round the country, including in Phoenix, demanded that police departments be defunded.

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While the movement has gained traction in some cities, like Minneapolis and l. a. , Ms. Hernandez said officials in Phoenix had shown little appetite for cutting the police budget. “For years we've been saying this, and last year after George Floyd our demands were echoed within the streets,” she said, quickly adding, “Defunding isn't happening here albeit community members have made that a priority.”