Colorful Welcome Back To School Shirt
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TORONTO — There might not be high enough levels of immunity to COVID-19 across the province by September for teenagers to return to high school unmasked, Ontario’s chief medic of health said Tuesday.
His comments came each day after the government’s science advisory table released recommendations for COVID-19 protocols in schools once they resume, including loosening rules on masking in low-risk scenarios.
Dr. Kieran Moore said he would define low risk therein context as a community that's seeing fewer than 10 cases per 100,000 people per week.
READ MORE: Ontario science advisory group recommends extra curriculars resume, schools stay open
“It could also be that we've a really cautious start in September then monitor things because I don’t know that we’ll achieve that prime community immunity that we'd like in September,” he said.

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STORY CONTINUES BELOW ADVERTISEMENT Roughly 80 per cent of eligible Ontarians have received a minimum of one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, but Moore is hoping for 90 per cent to raised protect the people of the province from the highly transmissible Delta variant. He said he would support a regional approach to masking rules in schools, though which will be difficult to implement. “We’ve seen across Ontario that the rates of illness are often quite variable which Delta can suddenly surge, because it has in Grey Bruce and Waterloo or Porcupine and North Bay then percolate in those communities,” he said.

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“So in those communities i might probably be, if i used to be the (local) medic of health, advising that masks be worn if school was to return and Delta persists in those communities because it can spread so so quickly from one person to 6 to 36, etc.” Click to play video: 'Nearly 8 in 10 Ontarians received a minimum of 1 COVID-19 vaccine: Dr. Moore' Nearly 8 in 10 Ontarians received a minimum of 1 COVID-19 vaccine: Dr. Moore Nearly 8 in 10 Ontarians received a minimum of 1 COVID-19 vaccine: Dr. Moore – Jul 20, 2021 The best thing that folks can do to make sure schools can return safely is for as many eligible Ontarians as possible to urge vaccinated, Moore said.