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OAKLAND — Staff of the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office who work out of a courtroom in the Rene C. Davidson courthouse have been told to self-quarantine after a colleague tested positive for coronavirus.
In an email sent to staff members Monday, it was reported that an unidentified district attorney employee tested positive for COVID-19. The person worked out of the second floor of Rene C. Davidson courthouse last week for four days and one day at the East County Hall of Justice in Dublin in departments 707 and 713.
The email did not say if Dublin court employees were told to quarantine or not.
The person was asymptomatic and complied with mask-wearing protocols, the email said. But out of caution, the District Attorney’s Office announced that all staff on the preliminary hearing team (who worked from the Oakland courthouse’s second floor) will self-quarantine for two weeks and work from home.
Preliminary hearings will continue as usual, with appearances from prosecutors occurring online. If a prosecutor cannot appear from home, another district attorney will help out.
“We have a very robust policy in place for contact tracing,” said district attorney spokeswoman Teresa Drenick. She said she could not comment further on the issue because of confidentiality policies.
The courtrooms themselves have not generally been open to the public, although both defense attorneys and prosecutors have still been physically present for some hearings. However, they may still be separated: a witness appearing virtually from one room, and the prosecutor in another. Court staff, such as court clerks and court reporters, can be in the courtrooms themselves. Virtual hearings have instead been held.
