High quality -In My Sewing Room Thou Shalt Not Poster, Canvas
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North Coast Smoke Impacts, Air Quality PSA Continued activity on multiple fires in Northern California will produce on-going impacts for Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties states a North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District (NCUAQMD) public service announcement. The announcement states that the Red Salmon Fire has grown to 30,000 acres and smoke will remain elevated and impacts will fluctuate along the coast, ash fallout is possible. "Interior areas will remain hot and dry with smoke mixing down mid-day and overnight depending on conditions. High temperatures and lower humidity through the Holiday Weekend will keep fires active, increase smoke production, and lead to poor smoke dispersion," the PSA reads. In Humboldt County, coastal areas are expected to remain “Good” to “Moderate” with possible periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” overnight while some ash fallout is possible. Southern Humboldt County is expected to see “Good” to “Moderate” air quality with possible periods of “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups," depending on conditions. Orleans, Hoopa, Weitchpec, and areas along the river drainages will see “Moderate” to “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” midday with “Good” conditions possible in the evening hours. Read the full PSA below. The Nampa School District also voted on Tuesday to allow their student-athletes to return to play. However, their games will not start until September 14, as they are required to have 10 official practices before they're allowed to play in games. Students in the Boise and Caldwell school districts are still waiting for the green light to start practices. That will likely happen when their respective county health boards move them out of the 'red' category. Bishop Kelly also decided to cancel their game at Homedale because they felt the risk of playing wasn't worth the potential reward. Catch Friday Night Football during the News at 10 on KTVB.
