Get Your Cray On It'S The 100Th Day Of School Shirt
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Your total household income includes your main welfare or Health Service Executive payment and the other income you'll have including wages (before tax, but excluding PRSI and a typical allowance of up to €20 per week), maintenance, savings and investments.
Any income you get from Child Benefit, Rent Supplement or other income supplement (formerly Mortgage Interest Supplement), Working Family Payment, guardian's payments, Blind Welfare Allowance, Rehabilitation Training Allowance, rehabilitative employment (up to €140 per week), Domiciliary Care Allowance , Mobility Allowance and therefore the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) isn't counted.

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The BTSCFA scheme is open for applications from 21 June 2021 to 30 September 2021. The BTSCFA is paid automatically to several families within the week beginning 12 July 2021. If you're paid automatically you don’t need to apply for the BTSCFA. you'll get a letter before 21 June 2021 to allow you to know that you simply are going to be paid automatically. If you don’t get a letter by 21 June 2021, you want to apply for the rear to high school Clothing and Footwear Allowance online using If you've got a drag applying online you'll contact the BTSCFA section on 071 91 93318 or 0818 11 11 13. The DSP will assist you to use online or may post you an application from to fill in.

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The deadline for applications is 30 September 2021. If you're unhappy with the choice on your application, you ought to send a letter to the rear to high school Clothing and Footwear Allowance Review Section at the address below beginning why you're not proud of the choice and asking that the claim be reviewed. you ought to request a review within 21 days of getting your decision.