Get Here -New - Salem Sanctuary For Wayward Cats poster and canvas
Click here to buy it now: New - Salem Sanctuary For Wayward Cats poster and canvas
Since the closure of the High-Rise Bridge, we’ve worked to simultaneously advance all efforts needed to expeditiously pursue both a repair or replace scenario.
By advancing both pathways at once, not a moment has been lost while the careful and thorough assessment is done to understand which avenue – repair or replace – is best over the long term.
Once that pivot does occur this October, through a decision aided by the completion of a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis, we will not be starting from scratch. We will be standing on a firm foundation of progress, no matter the direction we go.
Starting today and every Friday going forward, we’ll share detailed updates about the work we’re doing on the bridge.
These efforts are necessary to maintain public safety, but have the double and efficient bonus of advancing core elements of the repair work, should we move in that direction.
Kraemer North America, our contractor for the stabilization work, is on the bridge every Monday through Saturday from 6 AM to 4:30 PM to stabilize the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge. The stabilization work, which includes wrapping weakened areas of the bridge in carbon fiber, adding post-tensioning inside the girders, and epoxy injecting cracks wider than 0.3 mm, is expected to continue at a safe but expedited pace over the course of the next several months.
