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Designed to Address the Specific Challenges Posed By Face Coverings
Signia’s Face Mask Mode not only adjusts the frequencies that are important for hearing speech, but also applies adjustments to Signia’s Dynamic SoundScape processing, which delivers natural sound and best speech understanding in every situation, even when moving.
“With a tap of a button within the Signia app, users can better understand speech through face masks,” says Dr Ramirez. “It additionally allows hearing care professionals to offer a one-of-a-kind feature to their patients that will help result in improved speech understanding through face masks, all through this time-saving and convenient solution.”
No More Lip Reading
While face masks are good for safeguarding health, they can be bad for hearing, whether or not you have hearing loss. In fact, social distancing and the use of face masks make it difficult to hear other speakers—by about 30%, according to studies by Signia of people with normal hearing.
But if you’re one of the 48 million Americans with hearing loss, understanding people when they’re wearing masks can be nearly impossible, as shown in a recent Hearing Review article by Goldin, Weinstein, and Shiman. And it’s not just about muffled voices; masks obscure the ability to read lips and facial cues, while social distancing means you can’t get closer to hear better.
Eric Branda, PhD, AuD, director of research audiology for Signia, recently published a study on the effects of facemasks on those with hearing loss. Here, he shares some strategies that can help communication at this time, if you live or work with someone with hearing loss. These include:
Facing the person you’re talking to;
Using approved clear face shields to allow the other person to read lips and facial cues;
Rephrasing speech rather than repeating the same words or shouting;
Writing down information to minimize communication errors.
