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Seize The School'S Front Seat Shirt

Check out this awesome - Seize The School'S Front Seat Shirt

KELLY: and that we just have about 30 seconds approximately left, but this is often urgent. School's starting next week during a lot of Florida school districts. Where does this leave parents? SHERIDAN: Parents in Florida are really split. You know, we've a close-by administrative district here in Manatee County that sent out a parent survey, and that they found that about half want their children to wear masks at college and half don't .

Now, this is often not just a Florida problem. we've other states like Texas, South Carolina and Iowa that have all passed laws banning school mask mandates, so these problems could play call at those states, too. KELLY: Kerry Sheridan of member station WUSF, thanks for reporting on everything that you're reporting there in Florida. The water level in Lake Sakakawea continues to say no , even more so than what has been anticipated during a hot and dry summer. the newest runoff forecast for the Missouri Basin, as determined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is 14.6 million acre feet of water.

That compares to a historic average of 25.8 maf and is down 1-million acre feet from a month earlier. The numbers throughout the Missouri Basin are attention getting, albeit not for the simplest of reasons. Upper Basin runoff during July reached only 34% of average, for the year just 57% of normal. The July runoff into Fort Peck Reservoir in Montana was rock bottom recorded in 123 years. Sakakawea’s runoff input in July was just 24% of the long-term average.

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