Discover Cool -She Believed She Could So She Did Face mask
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Obviously, like, the living, like, circumstances aren't what everybody wants them to be, but it's not like it's not livable and it's not, like, harmful to our health," freshman Alyssa Adams said on her 13th day of quarantine. "But they're trying their best to make sure that everybody is mentally OK and they have everything they need." Adams said she contracted the virus from a friend who had recently been to an "unmasked party" who briefly visited her room for about 10 minutes. "She just came in and was talking to me like she always does," Adams said. "She wasn't right in my face, but I mean, she was in there. She was close to me." Adams said she has not been tested for COVID since she entered the "quarantine dorm" and was told she would not need to test negative before she leaves Thursday night. Wise said three weeks into the start of school, students are better-versed on the coronavirus rules of the campus. Captain’s Log: quarantine month five, day four. I appear to have lapsed into a fugue state sometime in the past several weeks and lost the capacity for rational thought. This is the only explanation I can think of for why a trampoline was delivered to our house today. It came with a sprinkler attachment. Pray for us. Look, I really thought things would be better by now. Maybe it was ridiculous naivety on my part, but way back in March, I truly didn’t think we’d be still be avoiding human contact as much as possible come September.
