Learning Tool Of The Class Room Shirt
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Michelle Science*, Nisha Thampi*, Ari Bitnun*, Upton Allen, Catherine Birken, Nicole Blackman, Eyal Cohen, Vinita Dubey, Lesleigh Dye, Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Amy Greer, Gabrielle M. Katz, Sarah Khan, JinHee Kim, Daphne Korczak, Kirk Leifso, Liane M. MacDonald, Antonina Maltsev, Janine McCready, Andrew M. Morris, Michelle Murti, Christopher Mushquash, Anna Perkhun, Krystal Pollitt, Beate Sander, Brian Schwartz, Jeffrey Siegel, Prachi Srivastava, Nathan M. Stall, Ashleigh R. Tuite, Annelind Wakegijig, Michael Whelan, Ronald Cohn, Peter Jüni, Kali Barrett on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, Hospital for Sick Children, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Unity Health, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Children's Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre, McMaster Children's Hospital, and therefore the Kingston Health Sciences Centre. *MS, NT, and AB contributed equally to the present Science Brief.

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In-person learning is important for the training and overall well-being of youngsters and youth. Therefore, barring catastrophic circumstances, schools should remain open for in-person learning. The level of community COVID-19 burden should inform the degree of school-based measures: the provided framework should be implemented at the regional level by public health units, considering local vaccination coverage rate and metrics of COVID-19 disease severity and to a lesser extent,
SARS-CoV-2 transmission rate.

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Permanent measures that support the continued operation of faculties , regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, include vaccination of all eligible individuals, exclusion of sick students and staff, hand hygiene, adequate ventilation, and environmental cleaning. Temporary measures (e.g., masking, physical distancing, cohorting) implemented in response to changes in COVID-19 disease burden should take into consideration student age, grade, and vaccination status.