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Shop -Proud Auntie Of 2021 Graduate Shirt

Proud Auntie Of 2021 Graduate Shirt

MEGRE SPREAD: chart showing weekly cases of COVID-19 in North Carolina between students and remainder of population in 2020 Source: Ref. 1 That study, published in January, “should are a watershed event for people that were really getting to just be data driven with their policy”, says Jeanne Noble, an emergency physician who directs the COVID-19 response at the University of California, San Francisco’s medical centre. Yet many faculties remained closed. Since then, “it’s just been a slew of other similar studies”, Noble says.

Another study2 checked out 17 schools in rural Wisconsin. The research team observed 191 COVID-19 cases in staff and students during 13 weeks within the autumn of 2020, a time of high transmission for that area. Only seven of these cases appeared to originate within the schools. A second study, not yet published, checked out Nebraska. “They were open the entire year with over 20,000 students and staff, and there have been only 2 transmission events during that entire study period,” Høeg says.

Critics argue that without surveillance testing, kids who don’t have symptoms won’t be identified or counted, therefore the true number might be much higher. But albeit the important case numbers were double or maybe triple the numbers in these studies, the transmission rate would are much less than within the community, Benjamin says. “It’s safer for them to be in class than to be outside of faculty .” Studies that have included testing tend to point out similarly low transmission rates. Researchers in Norway3 identified 13 confirmed cases in children aged 5–13 in schools, and tested nearly 300 of their close contacts to assess the secondary attack rate — the share of contacts who become infected from one case. Just 0.9% of the kid contacts and 1.7% of the adult contacts contracted the virus.

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