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Additionally, one staff member is under quarantine after coming into contact with the sick student’s family during an off-campus activity, Marlin said.
The district quickly identified the 23 other students who came into contact with the sick student during the school day because students have assigned seating, but more contact tracing will be conducted for encounters the student had outside of school, which is a “more complicated and lengthy” process, Marlin said.
“A final count is not yet available,” she said, “but at least several dozen students will be quarantined according to guidelines from the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), TEA (Texas Education Agency) and local health district that evaluate proximity and time spent together, as well as use of personal protective equipment.”
This is the second Midway senior to test positive for COVID-19. A student athlete tested positive earlier this month, before classes started.
A Castleman Creek Elementary School third grade teacher also is quarantining at home after the teacher’s spouse tested positive for COVID-19, according to a letter to parents Wednesday. The teacher, who says she wore a face mask while working with students and colleagues, tested negative, but is still quarantining at home, following public health guidelines. The teacher’s classroom has been thoroughly cleaned, as well.
Midway ISD has a student population of about 8,300 students, according to the Texas Education Agency.
The district established its own COVID-19 dashboard at to keep the community informed. It is updated every morning.
In the days before Midway Independent School District campuses reopened to students, a staff member at Woodway Elementary School tested positive for COVID-19, Principal Angela Kirkpatrick said in a letter to families and staff on Aug. 21. The district declined to name the staff member but said all workers, mainly school leadership, who came into contact with the individual who tested positive will quarantine at home, including Kirkpatrick.
The state will require school districts to report positive COVID-19 cases in schools weekly, starting Sept. 8, according to Texas Education Agency correspondence to administrators.
The TEA will help the Texas Department of State Health Services collate the data from schools using an online form, which went live Friday. Schools must enter any positive cases prior to Aug. 28, if positive cases were previously reported, starting with the first day of school. All prior cases must be submitted by Sept. 8.
