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Hundreds March Through Corona Sunday, Demand Billionaires Pay More Taxes

More than 300 people marched through Corona Sunday demanding that New York’s billionaires pay more taxes to help the cash-strapped state get through the current economic crisis.

The protesters were calling on the ultra-rich to pay more to ensure that the state isn’t forced to cut services given the loss of revenue since COVID-19 hit. They also want billionaires to pay taxes that would help out-of-work New Yorkers–specifically those ineligible for unemployment insurance–through the creation of a fund.

The protesters were critical of Governor Andrew Cuomo who has not backed legislation that would tax billionaires. Cuomo has resisted, saying that such taxes would cause the wealthy to flee.

The rally, dubbed Barrios Not Billionaires and organized by Make the Road New York, started at Corona Plaza at around 2:30 p.m. with participants marching to LeFrak City – a major apartment complex in Corona and parts of Elmhurst.

The protesters have taken issue with Richard LeFrak – the head of the LeFrak Organization – because he is a major donor to Cuomo and his family that built the complex is worth billions.

Representatives from groups such as Desis Rising Up and Moving, the New York Immigration Coalition and New York Communities for Change were in attendance.

State Senator Jessica Ramos, Assembly Member Catalina Cruz and Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa were among several elected officials to attend the demonstration.

The attendees shouted slogans in Spanish and held signs such as “tax the rich, fund excluded workers” and “cancel COVID debt”.

The protest included costumed dancers and featured music from mariachi bands. Others drummed plastic buckets and blew whistles.

One large banner carried by protesters read “Gov. Cuomo whose side are you on?”

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