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There's a Teaser Poster for Every MCU Release, and the 'Ant-Man' Movies Are Fan-Favorites
During COVID-19 quarantine, many MCU fans have gone back to acknowledge the great marketing Marvel has done over the years. The old teaser trailers from the last decade have all been reanalyzed and praised for how they built excitement at sometimes fever pitch levels. Now fans are turning to many of the teaser posters released over the years.
According to fans recently, the old Ant-Man posters had some of the best artwork. Having teaser posters talked about again is kind of fun in a time when movie poster art is taken for granted.
At one time, poster art for movies was more appreciated in the age before the internet and social media marketing became the norm. What made Ant-Man really stand out for moviegoers?
The spare, comedic value of the ‘Ant-Man’ posters
Paul Rudd on the red carpet
Paul Rudd | Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images
Someone on Reddit recently posted a collection of old teaser posters Marvel put out over the last decade. Each MCU poster was basically a work of art in their own right, if not being hand-painted as movie posters were in the old days. Even so, Marvel posters are still mostly well-designed.
One thing standing out for Reddit fans was the spareness of each Ant-Man poster. Each one was mostly a white background with a tiny image of Ant-Man/Scott Lang in the center section.
For Ant-Man and the Wasp, it was virtually the same, except the Wasp was added to Ant-Man’s immediate right. Of course, the point was to bring some laughs to how simple it was, not including some funnier posters later on. Just about everyone on Reddit agreed these teasers made them laugh, something all too rare in the MCU.
As one commenter put it: “Antman gets first dibs because it’s original and clever and grabs your attention”. Comments like this give a reminder of what can be accomplished in marketing with spare imagery.
